Like all superheroes, our mascot Power Panda has an origin story. In the tradition of the summer blockbuster, we thought it was the perfect time to share it with you!
In the summer of 2020, several Preschool Promise team members held a brainstorming session with Spark Space Creative to draw out our vision for the character. The superhero Panda was a clear winner, and Spark Space was tasked with creating a cute, iconic and energetic character that Preschoolers could relate to and find entertaining. After many revisions and group meetings, Power Panda was born.
Graphic designer Caleb Orecchio is Power Panda’s creator. During a recent interview, Caleb shared his delight with how Power Panda turned out. Left to his own devices, Power Panda would have looked very different, but thankfully, our team and his boss, Errin Siske, steered him in the right direction. One of his favorite things to do is incorporate Power Panda into various design pieces and illustrate him in new, fun ways.

For Caleb, it's incredibly gratifying to hear how excited kids are to see Power Panda. Be sure to high five Power Panda the next time you see it!