January playkits and books-of-the-month highlight Kindergarten Readiness Skills.

Our January Book-of-the-Month, What Do You Do With A Tail Like That?, is a non-fiction picture book that stirs the imaginations of readers young and old. Along with December and February’s titles, this book highlights opportunities to practice a Core 4 Skill. Talking and Reading involves exploring words that rhyme, name recognition and sharing thoughts out loud to help children build reading skills. The January Playkit gives kiddos opportunities to write their own stories and illustrate them too!
Did you know? Dayton Metro Library includes our Books-of-the-Month in their Dial-A-Story titles. Families can call 937-250-7500 to listen to a selection of stories read by library staff or a guest reader. Our Book-of-the-Month is always the final selection on the list.