About Us
Preschool Promise is dedicated to supporting young children from prenatal to age 5, ensuring they have access to the educational and health and wellness opportunities they need to start Kindergarten fully ready to learn.

Our history traces to 2007 when community leaders turned their focus to improving children’s readiness for Kindergarten and their 3rd-grade reading proficiency.
Our work evolved over time, including pilot projects first in the suburb of Kettering, and then in Northwest Dayton. Today, we help improve access to affordable, high-quality early care and education to nearly 4,000 children at over 120 partner sites in eight of 16 Montgomery County school districts. In addition, we support infants and toddlers through an evidence-based home visiting initiative.
Montgomery County, which was the first government to invest in Preschool Promise, provides approximately $4 million annually to us from its combined Human Services Levy. The City of Dayton, which, in 2016, passed an increase in the city income tax and committed funding from that increase to Preschool Promise, provides $4.3 million annually. We also are supported by generous national and local philanthropists and have won national and state grant funding.